Completed March 2014
Reliable maps of the seabed are essential for safe shipping and effective management and conservation of the marine environment. While terrestrial maps are largely very accurate, seabed maps are much less so. Many 'current' nautical charts are based on data from the mid 19th century when depth was measured by lowering lead lines to the seabed at wide intervals.
The INIS Hydro project brought together seven partners from the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland to generate high-resolution bathymetric charts of 1400 km2 of key coastal seabed areas.

The project contributed to International Safety of Life at Sea compliance requirements, underpinning marine research including marine geology, habitat and environmental information, and also enhanced oceanographic modelling and marine spatial planning.
Project funding
INIS Hydro is part of the EU funded INTERREG IVA Programme, Priority 2, Theme 2: Environment