INFOMAR Webinar Series Graphic

INFOMAR is delighted to announce the second in our series of online webinars, providing our stakeholders with programme updates and detailing how INFOMAR products and activities continue to deliver value and positive impact across multiple marine sectors and policy areas in Ireland and abroad.
Our next Webinar focuses on Mapping and Monitoring for Climate and Environmental applications and will examine INFOMAR programme support for Ireland’s data requirements in support of these key areas.

INFOMAR is Ireland’s national seabed mapping programme and is funded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) and jointly managed by Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI).

Make sure to join us online via Zoom on Tuesday, November 16th 10:00-12:00 GMT.  

Register Here.




@Dept_ECC @GeolSurvIE @followtheboats @MarineInst