Ocean Renewable Energy Webinar Graphic

INFOMAR is delighted to announce the first in a new series of webinars is now available to view online.

The March 25th webinar focused on INFOMARs contribution to Irelands Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) sector and examined INFOMARs support for this developing sector in the context of the Climate Action Plan of 2019 and the ambitious targets set out in the 2020 Programme for Government (PfG).

Programme updates & plans were presented to an audience exceeding 260 people, with the emphasis on products and activities supporting development within the ORE sector. These included sub-bottom profile web map service layers, associated new composite chart products, and the MSc module on seabed mapping created and delivered by the INFOMAR team. INFOMAR commissioned reports on programme data alignment with sectoral needs were presented by Illmatic Energy and GDG.  The panel discussion chaired by Philip Nugent (INFOMAR Chairperson - DECC) included inputs from Martina Hennessy (DECC) and Peter Coyle (MRIA) on requirements and collaboration opportunities from the permitting and development perspectives.  

Full INFOMAR ORE Webinar and Panel Discussion March 25th 2021 - YouTube


To see the Sub-bottom profile viewer layer go to https://www.infomar.ie/maps/interactive-maps/data-and-sub-bottom-profiler-viewer

Illmatic Energy INFOMAR ORE Review Report available here

GDG INFOMAR ORE Review Report available here. 


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