INFOMAR Annual Seminar 2018

kinsale harbour

The 2018 INFOMAR seminar was hosted in Kinsale, Co. Cork, the 8th and 9th of November 2018

If you missed the event but want to have a look at the slides from the talks, please follow the links provided.

INFOMAR Seminar Presentations 2018Presenter

Session 1 

2018 Survey highlightsRonan O’Toole (GSI)

2018 Survey highlightsKevin Sheehan (MI)

INFOMAR Programme update – status & plans towards completionTommy Furey (MI) & Sean Cullen (GSI

An INFOMAR Legacy - Educating the next generation of seabed mappersDave O’Mahony (Scoilnet)

INFOMAR Products In Three Clicks and Website UpdatesDr. Fabio Sacchetti (MI)

Session 2 

Geological and geotechnical constraint mapping in the Irish Sea for offshore renewable energy developmentDr. Mark Coughlan (UCD / iCRAG - GDG)

Knowing your habitat for inshore fisheries managementOliver Tully (MI)

Multibeam data to guide assessment of offshore reef and fisheries interactions
‘Big problems, small budgets and good tools’
Dr. Yvonne Leahy (NPWS - DCHG)

Session 3 

Enabling data reuse for Marine Management and ResearchEoin O’Grady & Andrew Conway (MI)

Understanding our seabed integrity and managing our ecosystemsDr. Debbi Pedreschi (MI)

The process of developing Irelands’ first Marine Spatial PlanNiamh Santry (DHPLG)

INFOMAR data in Europe’s largest marine data initiative – EMODNETDr. Janine Guinan (GSI)

Session 4 

Rapid, interactive visualisation and analytics on diverse and combined data setsAndrew MacPherson (CEO 3DEO)

Better maps - better models – better services Dr. Tomasz Dabrowski (MI)

Ocean Data Collection using Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs)James Ives (CEO XOCEAN)

Aquaculture – planning & management from the seabed upJoanne Casserly (MI)

Session 5 

Intertidal Feature Mapping from Satellite and Drone DataDr. Seamus Coveney

Unravelling the controls on nearshore morphological configuration on the NW coast of IrelandDr. Carlos Loureiro (UU)

Irish Sea Mapping Collaboration for fisheries and environmental managementDr. Annika Clements (AFBI)

Exploring the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone in the Mid Atlantic Ridge (TOSCA)Dr. Aggie Georgiopoulou (UCD)

Session 6 

“CHERISH”ing our marine heritageDr. Kieran Craven (GSI)

Recent development in Autonomous Drones; Sensor Technologies, Operations & ApplicationsTim McCarthy, Aidan Magee & Daire Walsh (NUIM)

Multibeam guided wreck diving investigations for Dublin Port Company’s Alexandra Basin Redevelopment projectNiall Brady (The Archaeologist Diving Company Ltd.)

Developing electrical interconnection between Ireland and mainland EuropeErlend Christiansen (Celtic Interconnector Project)

The Agenda can also be downloaded here below.