INFOMAR Marine Mapping Study - Options Appraisal Report.


Final Appraisal Report 2008


The Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is Ireland’s national marine mapping programme. It is the successor to the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS), and is a joint venture of the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The focus of the INFOMAR programme is to create a range of integrated mapping products of the physical, chemical and biological features of the seabed, in the near-shore (Zone 1, 0m to 50m) area and building on previous INSS offshore survey area (Zone II, 50m to 200m), to complete the mapping programme for the entirety of Ireland’s off-shore waters. Against this background, and to fulfil the NDP Value For Money reporting requirements for Large Capital Projects (>€30 million), PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) were commissioned by the Department of Communications, Energy and National Resources (DCENR) to undertake a detailed appraisal of the INFOMAR project. The methodology for undertaking the appraisal involved both primary and secondary research, including extensive consultation with stakeholders of the INFOMAR. A range of options for the INFOMAR programme were identified and appraised in financial and qualitative terms and are presented within this report.

Report available here