INFOMAR Survey Plan & Activity 2018

INFOMAR Survey Plan & Activity 2018

In 2018, INFOMAR will carry out surveys onboard the RV Celtic Explorer and RV Celtic Voyager with the focus of hydrographic and geophysical mapping on the offshore section of the Celtic Sea. This will extend mapping effort completed in the previous years (see yellow and orange areas in the image above).

Meanwhile, the inshore survey fleet will focus primarily on the south coast, extending survey coverage in areas previously unmapped. In addition to mapping coastal areas, the RV Mallet will survey out to the 30 nautical miles limit (pink area in the image above), extending the RV Celtic Voyager survey coverage.

2018 survey plan, INFOMAR strategy, 2018 INFOMAR activity report add up-to-date coverage maps are available for download using the blue tabs provided at the top right of this page.