During the current year of the second phase of INFOMAR (2016-2026), operations are planned to take place within the following bays, harbours and offshore areas:
R.V.’s Keary, Geo, Lir and Mallet Areas
• Celtic Sea & Atlantic Coast: Survey effort will take place in an inshore area from The Old Head of Kinsale, County Cork to Cape Clear Island, County Cork and offshore to the 30 nautical mile limit along the same stretch of coast. A second offshore area is located southwest of Mizen Head and a western inshore area includes Dunmanus Bay, Bantry Bay, Kenmare River and adjacent headlands and islands.
R.V. Celtic Voyager Areas
• Celtic Sea: extending coverage south of Cork immediately south of the 30Nm and a second area south of this which is adjacent to and north of the proposed R.V. Celtic Explorer area.
R.V. Celtic Explorer Areas
• Celtic Sea: extending coverage to the southern extent of the Economic Exclusive Zone along the UK-Ireland median line.
Data acquisition methods will include hydrographic and geophysical survey, and geological groundtruthing using grab samplers.
For more details, please download the Survey_Plan_2020 document available n the right side of this page.