RV Celtic Voyager (Retired)

RV Celtic Voyager

The RV Celtic Voyager was a multi-purpose research vessel, operated by the Marine Institute. It was 31.4m in length with a 4m draught with facilities for the collection of fisheries, geophysical, oceanographic and environmental data and was also used to provide practical training for the next generation of marine scientists. 

The vessel had wet, dry and chemical laboratories, which were permanently fitted with standard scientific equipment.  The RV Celtic Voyager could accommodate 6-8 scientists and stay at sea for a maximum of 14 consecutive days. 

Key features of the RV Celtic Voyager included: 

  • Kongsberg Simrad EM2040 and EM3002 multibeam echosounders 
  • Kongsberg Simrad EA400 singlebeam echosounder 
  • Ixsea Gaps USBL System 
  • Ideally suited to towed Underwater TV operations 
  • Capable of beam & pelagic and demersal otter trawling 
  • CTD work to 1000m 
  • Full oceanographic services